Saturday, October 13, 2012


October 12, 2012


As I traveled to Bloomington to visit my grandson’s I enjoyed the beautiful varying colors of the trees. The sky was bright blue and it was a very pleasant drive. It was close to six pm when I left to come home and the approaching sunset was beautiful.   A lot of pink colors were streaming through the clouds. In one of my new books entitled ‘He and I’ there was the statement that God gives us the sunrise and sunsets to show us how much he loves us. I was thanking God for allowing me to see this glorious sunset. I glanced to the right a few times and at the same time keeping my eyes on the road in heavy traffic with many semi’s speeding by.

 I was in the left lane going past the semi which was in the right lane. In an instant I saw the front legs of a deer as it was struck by the semi and throwing it in my path. The broken headlight from the semi also scattered across my lane. It was on the ground and I was emotionally shaken by the impact of going over it. I stopped in the shoulder of the road with the semi off to the right. I instantly used On Star who called emergency for me. The police had me pull across the road and park on the right shoulder for safety so the semi and I were both on the same side of the road.

The truck driver spoke little English as he told me the headlight was broken and told me to drink water. I had water in the car but he brought me a fresh bottle of water. With my doors locked and the passenger window down a bit I asked him to turn on his trucks warning flasher lights as I had done. He said it was the first time he had hit a deer. I asked if he had contacted the police and he said ‘no call police’. I don’t think he had a cell phone. After what seemed like an eternity the police arrived and checked out the gentleman and told me he was a foreigner and all they do is travel the interstate across country.

After I had moved my car I called On Star again and had them run a diagnostic check on my car and all was fine. Then I called Larry to tell him and he said he would come and follow me home as he was finished eating with his Mother. After talking with the Trouper I went on to Lincoln to meet Larry and had to have a blackberry cobbler ice cream cone to sooth my jangled nerves.

As I looked back on this I began to wonder about the various circumstances that had played out. The semi by being the one who hit the deer probably saved my life. Had I have hit the deer going 72 mph things would have played out differently. I also helped the trucker by calling the police and having him turn on his warning lights. I know there were Angels on the highway at that moment.

Larry just signed us up for AAA roadside assistance and said his next car would have On Star.  He had it on another car but didn't keep up the contract because he didn't think it was necessary but said he has now changed his mind.









Friday, July 6, 2012

My iPad

I now am trying to figure out if I can blog from my iPad.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


A treasured memory will always be my grandsons college graduation, a goal he worked long and hard to achieve.   He journeyed to Texas to hopefully find a job and career, but that was not to be.
So he returned to his roots and now has a good job with a good company and just recently met a wonderful young lady with a good job and a little two year old boy that Tyler adores.

If this relationship continues to blossom he will make a wonderful husband and father.  He has always been close to my heart and I am so happy for him that it makes my heart smile.

God has blessed my with this beautiful gift of a special grandson.

Saturday, May 19, 2012


When walls close in, skies turn gray,
and dreams seem like they're awfully far away,
you're probably just forgetting that the same "hands"
that created the sun, the moon, and the stars,
are still holding yours, anxious to help.

The Universe

I planned some fun things to do yesterday and was making a list of garage sales to check out for a couple of tall kitchen bar stools for my grandson. I looked my front door and right there across the street sat the two metal bar stools with upholstered seats at the sale they had just opened.  I was
delighted with the price of only ten dollars for both as they were very nice with a lot of detail.  I had them put them in my car and then changed my plans and decided to take them to my daughters so our dogs could play while we visited.  I then went to my grandson's after he got off work and he was thrilled with my purchase, just perfect he said.  Then I went on to visit the younger grandsons on my way home.  I had a wonderful day,  the weather was perfect, it was great to get out of the house and visit my family.

I was after ten pm when my husband called to say he was almost home so I excitedly told him about my purchase and that I went to my daughters.  His comment was 'I've heard enough' and the center of my heart seemed to deflate a little.  He was perturbed that they didn't drive here to pick up my purchase.  So, I took a deep breath and said to myself  'rise above it' and went to bed while he was walking the dog.

This morning it started all over again, that I run up there everytime they want anything and it was my second trip this week.  That my kids don't have any respect for me because they never come here to visit, blah, blah, blah.  I said I don't want to hear anymore so just go mow the lawn. So after slamming the door he went to mow the lawn.  I had just had to take a phone call and handle some business for my Mother and was overwhelmed with that.

So now I have gather my thoughts and rise above it as I pack to go to Vegas.  I will visualize a golden bubble of light surrounding my body and pull out all my tools to keep my self centered.

Tomorrrow, May 20th is our seventeenth anniversary.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


One day several weeks ago one of the little first grade girls told me that rain was God's tears.  I had never heard that explanation of rain but that was what she believed and so I asked her what she thought thunder was, she didn't know but was quite certain where the rain came from.

So if God's tears flowed from the heavens and watered the beautiful flowers and made the grass grow from the release of tears I began to wonder about this fact the little girl was so sure of.  Did the release of tears held in for many, many, many years cleanse my heart and soul of the pain held there?  I believe it did.  Maybe God gave us tears to release our sadness, to express our joy at the birth of a newborn baby or to shed tears at a beautiful wedding ceremony when two people are joined in union.

The miracle of the tears, I will long remember their powerful release under the guidance of my very special healing touch provider, Carley Mattimore.

Sunday, May 6, 2012


This is a photo of me feeding the chickens when I was about two years old.  Little did I know then that I would feel like the little red hen these sixty-five years later.  The anger I sometimes feel because I have been the one making decisions for my Mother these past seven years is overwhelming some days.  I am sure it is frustrating for my only sibling Carolyn, who lives in California   She will be making arrangement to come back here for a visit this coming week.

So the little red hen now has Hospice nurses and coming to Mom's home three days a week and another agency coming two days to to laundry and housework and cook food if she will let them.  The bath aid tried to make a visit on Friday and she told them she didn't feel like it.   Ok...then today she wanted to know when they were coming to shampoo her hair.  I met the nurse there Friday and Mom didn't feel well which is understandable with all the cancer she has in the upper chest area.  Since Mom had told me the refrigerator needed cleaned out and she didn't want her helpers to do it I started it while the nurse was there and she helped me.  I was so thankful for the nurse by my side as the complaints flew about every item we put in the garbage.  She has told everyone we threw out her supper and she had to eat a peanut butter sandwich.  The nurse said she is a bit of a hoarder.  I showed her the well stocked freezer and pantry which is well stocked that is would last for months.

I know she is trying to have control as she fights for her life and to reach the big 90 on June 7.  She doesn't want a big party, just the kids and grand-kids.  I don't know if they will all come or not.  I have gotten her together with them several times and it is never enough because there is usually one or two who couldn't make it.   So the little red hen is turning the birthday party and invitations over to her only sibling

I hope I do what I do with compassion and empathy. Mom is elderly and is a child of God, as I am God's daughter also I try to see to her needs.  The grief I have is from never having a relationship with my Mom.  Will I grieve when she is gone...I don't think so...I want my past to be gone and to just know this was my cross to bear. I understand she didn't receive her Mother's love and was not able to give me what she had not received.  As far as I am concerned I feel like my younger sister was an only child.  She knows how it was for me and doesn't understand why.

I have told my son and daughter many times I don't want them to have to deal with what I have for the past few years...just put me in an assisted living facility and send a card once a year and live their life and be happy.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


photo from Lake Geneva

Friends and Their Limitations
by Henry Nouwen

We need friends.  Friends guide us, care for us, confront us in love, console us in times of pain.  Although we speak of "making friends." friends cannot be made.  Friends are free gifts from God.  But God gives us the friends we need when we need them if we fully trust in God's love.

Friends cannot replace God.  They have limitations and weaknesses like we have.  Their love is never faultless, never complete.  But in their limitations they can be signposts on our journey towards the unlimited and unconditional life of God.  Lets enjoy the friends whom God has sent our way.

I have always believed that people are placed on my path as I need them in my life.  Lately, I have caught my self muttering 'I don't know' and then when I catch my self using that phase I say 'God knows.'  That was proven once again yesterday when the Hospice Chaplain from Decatur called me  and we talked for seventy-five minutes.  I have not met Jan but in speaking with her she has great compassion and understanding for the situation.  I didn't know she was with the program, I had been told the Chaplain was a gentleman who started working at DMH before I left.  So through Gods divine plan Jan has been assigned to my Mother and offered my grief counseling after she passes on.  I feel like I have been in counseling most of my life and will accept her offer in the future if I feel the need.

I look forward to the upcoming Reiki retreat, crystal bowls and a day retreat at the Chiara Center.
I feel it is time to schedule another massage or facial and plan to have a manicure soon.  I just read a quote to be kind to yourself will make it easier to be kind to others.

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Add caption

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


I have recently started reading 'There's a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem' by  Dr. Wayne Dyer.  I had watched him in a television special a couple of years ago about his book 'Excuses Begone' and quite honestly I didn't see what all the fuss was about this author. His favorite saying was 'no explaining, no complaining' and while I get that message I am much more attracted to his books on spirituality.  After watching 'The Shift' this week on TV I really understood his message.  Today I watched a program I had recorded several weeks ago from a PBS special and enjoyed every minute of it.  He mentioned a DVD he made on his journeys to Assisi and other holy places.  It is entitled 'Experiencing the Miraculous:  A Spiritual Journey to Assisi, Lourdes, and Megjugorie'.  Since it is a little high priced I will be on the lookout for a used copy. 

I have always known what I need to do to be happy with my self and others but it always seems so difficult.  However Dr Dyer makes it sound so simple.  I am going to put forth my best effort to practicing this way of living and keep reading and learning Dr Dyer's principles for living a peaceful healthy way of life.   To be able to be open and loving to people that I now distance my self from would remove guilt from my heart and possibly make them happier.  It is up to each person to discover their happiness and to surround them selves with the love of God.

So today I will listen for the whisperings of the Holy Spirit to quiet my mind and feel the love that surrounds me.

Sunday, April 15, 2012


The Song of the Seed

Life unfolds
a petal at a time

The beauty of the process is crippled
when I try to hurry growth.
Life has its inner rhythm
which must be respected.
It cannot be rushed or hurried.

Like daylight stepping out of the darkness,
morning creeping out of night,
life unfolds slowly
a petal at a time
like a flower opening to the sun,

God's call unfolds
a Word at a time

A disciple is not made in a hurry.
Slowly I become like the One
to whom I am listening.

Life unfolds
a petal at a time
like you and I
becoming followers of Jesus,
discipled into a new way of living
deeply and slowly.

Be patient with life's unfolding petals.
If you hurry the bud it withers.
If you hurry life it limps.
Each unfolding is a teaching
a movement of grace
filled with silent pauses
breathtaking beauty
tears and heartaches.

Life unfolds
a petal at a time
deeply and slowly.

by Joyce Rupp

Saturday, April 7, 2012


I took this photo mid  morning while the dew was still on the beautiful iris.  It is the first one to bloom this spring.  Another reminder of new life and new beginnings this Easter weekend.

  We are going to church and out to eat for a quiet lunch.  This is the first time I have not been with my kids and grand kids but it was our decision to stay home.  Larry is at his busiest time at work right now and it is so far to go pick up my Mom and take her to my daughters home.  I didn't want to add to my guilt about going and leaving her and Larry didn't need the added stress of driving for five hours.  A friend of Mom's and a niece are going to visit her tomorrow.  At this stage of her illness all she wants to do is sit in her recliner and rest  and eat  a few bites of food, with glazed donuts and  chocolate milk being the favorite. Her helpers make sure she has donuts and milk available through out the week.  When I go I also go on a donut run.   June 7th will be her 90th birthday and my sister is going to be here for that.

I do miss the times when we colored Easter eggs and hid them outside and in the house.  Sometimes finding a candy egg weeks later.  My favorite picture of the kids is on an Easter Sunday standing perfectly still as I took the photo.  My daughter had on a matching turquoise bonnet and coat,  my son was dressed to the nines also in his knee length tweed coat and a hat with a brim.  He had on some type of mittens that didn't match the outfit but probably threw a fit to wear them.  I always referred to that photo as Bonnie and Clyde.   I must dig through the shoe boxes of photos and find that one.

This blog is as scattered as my mind is these days.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


I took many photos at the Chiara center and  have learned to make photo collages.  This one is one of my favorites so I decided to share for all to see.

Easter is such a Holy time of year and  has a very special meaning to me.  It was an Easter Holy Saturday that I became a member of the Catholic Church, about twenty-two years ago and took communion there for the first time.  I had been in the RCIA program for nearly a year learning about the Catholic Church.  We met weekly for instruction to discern if we wanted to become a Catholic.  This was not to be taken lightly and many times I was so tired from working and taking classes at the community college that I sat there with my eyes closed.  One of the instructors, a nun said she didn't think I was paying attention.  In my usual way of being sarcastic I asked her if I was going to flunk church.

I didn't flunk church and about a year later I met Larry, a cradle Catholic, we have been married almost seventeen years. We attend Mass each Sunday and have never missed unless were very ill.  I have only known Larry to miss one Sunday.  I still don't know much about the church and there are many things with which I disagree.  I loved the Spirituality classes because they were more open minded and even those instructors disagreed with certain issues.  I try to be open minded and accept all people as they are.  Not trying to force my religion on others because I feel people have free will and will be guided by the Holy Spirit as to where they worship.

I didn't know anyone in the Catholic RCIA program and none of my family for friends attended my first communion on Holy Saturday.  I know I was guided by the Holy Spirit or I would not have gone through the program and still be involved today.

Easter Blessings to all as we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


If God sends us strong paths, we are provided strong shoes.
Corrie Ten Boom

A verse by Dr. Seuss

You have brains in your head. 
 You have feet in your shoes.
 You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.
  You're on your own, and you know what you know.
 And you are the guy who'll decide where to go.


I was honored that my very talented quilter wanted to show my quilt at the quilt show this past weekend.  It is the artistic quilting that she does that really makes any quilt standout.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


March 4, 1914 - August 14, 1996

I think you  today on your ninety-eighth birthday in heaven.  So long ago and yet I feel your presence all the time.  I know you are watching over me from the heavens above.  Even though circumstances in our lives were beyond your control or mine you were not physically present in our home. You were in my thoughts and prayers as you are this day.  The older I get the more I feel connected to your spirit and honor and respect the hardships you endured throughout your entire life. 

Happy Heavenly Birthday

Friday, February 24, 2012


I was instantly drawn  to the drawing of the hand with the all seeing eye in the center.   The green character has a very large single eye in the center of the body. The sword or maybe a Star Wars light saber in these interesting drawings caught my eye, and when I told Kyle I liked it he wanted me to have it.   He has a large bulletin board filled with many pieces of his drawings, some pencil and others markers like the one above.

Kyle traced his hand and used markers for this drawing.  I asked him what it represented to him and he said it was a mythical hand from medieval times with the eye in the center of the hand.  His artwork is getting more detailed and he sold a note paper drawing to one of his brother's friends for fifty cents.

Maybe he is a budding artist.  Who knows but I was honored to receive the drawing.

I made a copy and scanned it into my pictures section.

Saturday, February 18, 2012


This evening Chelsea will be celebrating her 21st birthday. It doesn't seem possible that she is twenty-one today.
She has grown into a responsible young lady and has her own cute apartment, a white duplex in a small town that she shares with her boyfriend.  She is still a sensitive person as she was as a child who would cry at the least little thing.

She enjoys her work as a beautician and is working today hoping for birthday tips. I was not surprised when she wanted to go to beauty school because she has always loved doing her and her friends hair. I took her a couple of times for a manicure and one time she had each nail painted a different color.  Then in junior high I took her for a manicure because she was going to a school function.  While she was in the salon I went next door to get something to eat and when I returned I was surprised that she had them apply acrylic nails with a french manicure.

Once when she was staying all night with me and as we travelled to my place she told me that she had found a baby rabbit and it was dead.  She then pulled a Kleenex out of her pocket and  carefully separated the two delicate sheets of tissue; with tears in her eyes she held them up and in her little five year old voice proclaimed that one was for blowing and one was for crying.

I am very proud of Chelsea and how she has matured into such a beautiful young woman.  I went to visit her last Wednesday and took her and Tyler to eat.  We had a lovely time together visiting and sharing and am blessed to have them and my other grand kids in my life.

At our candidate meeting for the Associate Franciscians we discussed St. Francis and St. Clare.  At the end of our meeting Sr Renita gave us a copy of two beautiful prayers by Mary Oliver.

Nature speaks to us through silence.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


When I wrote a story entitled Life's Lessons on December 16th, 2011 my heart was heavy because someone in my class had been abrupt with me in front of the entire class.  I had hurried to the bathroom to quiet my mind, and returning to class sat and prayed that I could get through the rest of the class.

Last night this individual read her personal bearings letter while she sat next to me.  When she finished her letter she spoke my name and reached her hand towards me and said that she hadn't always been kind to me.  I was speechless and shocked at her statement in front of the class, but I guess that a public apology in light of the fact that the first comment two months ago was in front of the class was what she needed to do.  When the class ended we all hugged and offered peace to one another, and  she asked for forgiveness which of course I said yes and that I don't hold a grudge.  I said forgive me if I have offended you and she said that I had not done anything.

As I sat down to write this story about forgiveness and love and peace I glanced to the right and there was a beautiful large hawk gliding low through our trees as he flew across the back yard.  I felt a sense of peace that all was well in my life.

The photo I used represented to me that we are all a part of the whole in this Divine universe.


Slow my pace, Lord.  Slow my life.  Come sit by me at the well.  I am exhausted.

Give rest to my heart; bring calm to my feelings.  Come, lead me to the mountain.  I am empty.

Give me these hours the leisure to be still that I savor the quiet of rolling  hills, tasting the presence of the Divine.

Bring me from the running of the day and doing of the duties to the sitting in the evening to know the reward of being.

Set aside the problems of mind; soothe the aches of the heart;give rest to the body that I hear the music of my being and know a quiet that allows the soaring of the soul.

Be gentle, Teacher, teaching the truth of being.  In gentleness, command; "Silence!"

In stillness embrace my spirit and re-enkindle with love...and opening the embrace give freedom to the soul.

Slow my pace, Spirit of Love, breathe into my being, Word... and with a mighty wind blow the incarnate word to the ends of the earth.

Monsignor Bernard Powers

While attending Mass a couple of weeks ago the Priest quoted a verse and had us repeat it, of course I forgot most of it by the time we left church.  The message was basically to 'Slow down...see each person as they are.
Love everyone as God loves us.  The only line I remember and that I say to myself at times is; Slow me down Lord, Slow me down.  It helps to bring my self back to the present moment, and that is really all there is. Everything I need is inside me.  I just have to be still and listen.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


With every single person you come into contact, you are either giving love or you're not. And based on what you give, that is what you receive.

Give love to others through kindness, encouragement, support,  gratitude, or any good feeling, and it comes back to you  multiplied in every of your life.

Look for the things you love in a relationship more than you notice negative things and it will appear as if something incredible has happened to the other person.

You have to be Happy to receive the happy versions of other people!

The force of love presents you with a whole array of Personal Emotional Trainers, disguised as everyday people, but they are all training you to choose love!

Life is presenting every person and circumstance to you so you can choose what you love and what you don't love.  When you react to anything you are reacting with your feelings, and as you do , you are choosing it!

Changing the way you feel is easy compared to running around trying to change the circumstances of the outside world.  Change your feelings and the outside circumstances will change!

by Ronda Byrne

You have to be happy to receive the happy versions of other people!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I was reading a short story on the life of St. Francis of Assisi and he stated that it was spring, of all the seasons it was his favorite, and the birds sang in every tree.  The flowers were in full bloom and yet he felt only winter in his heart.  He went into a cave for solitude and prayer and facing of self and discovered he was to give away all his worldly goods.  It was living in poverty of body and soul that he found joy in not having but in giving. It was in doing what he was called to do that changed his life.

When I am doing what I enjoy whether it is quilting or attending my class or reading a good book that  I  am most content .  When I am with my grand kids I definitely feel the Spring time in my heart.  Meditation and contemplative prayer helps to quiet my monkey brain.

Yesterday was the 100th day of school and the first graders were so full of life and happiness.  As they each had their turn to read they all made me happy.   One little girl was struggling with some of the words in the story so I read the sentence back to her, and as she turned her head towards me with her beaded braids flying and eyes wide said 'you make the words come alive for me'.  This remark from a six year old made my heart leap with joy.

And then there was the light brown skinned boy who over the last several weeks had approached me, and said he wanted to read to me.  As I was talking to the teacher at our tiny desk in the hallway I was telling her about the student that wanted to read to me.  He came out of the bathroom and almost ran to me and the teacher.  He grabbed me and hugged me and laid his little head on my shoulder.  After the teacher witnessed this she added his name to my list and he was so happy and he reminded me of his turn when I went to get the next student.  They were making necklaces with one hundred fruit loops to represent their one hundred of school.  They had crown shaped hats with math problems, glitter and anything they wanted on it.  They also had big paper glasses and the frame and  openings looked like the number one hundred.  But the most exciting part of his day was getting to read to me, and the best part of my day was the three hugs he gave me that day.  

The students are to call me Miss Kathy or Grandma Kathy.  I asked him which he preferred and with eyes wide said Grandma Kathy.  I wonder why this this little six year old wanted to read to me.  Did he somehow know I needed his hugs as much as he wanted my hugs?

Red or yellow, black or white....they are precious in His sight.  And each any everyone of them bring me blessings of spring to my heart.

Monday, February 6, 2012


Yesterday I was told that Sunny was going to have stomach problems or health issues if I didn't stop telling him 'no barking'.  My comment was that I had been having stomach problems and some health issues also, maybe because I don't have any to talk to, and that I needed a vacation.So later in the afternoon we selected  seven vacation sites selected plus a seminar in Vegas sometime in May.

I now have these vacations to look forward starting with Branson the end of April. 

The more things change the more the more they remain the same.

Friday, February 3, 2012


A couple of weeks ago as I made my deposit at Carrollton Bank and was leaving I happened to glance in my rear view mirror and saw this pine tree that was no longer firmly rooted and was off center.  I thought of myself and how I have felt at times when I have not been firmly rooted and grounded in Mother Earth.  Then I saw the other two pine trees nearby as friends who would help me find my center and be aligned in an upright position.

Without my dear friends and one in particular who understands my heart and soul I would not be firmly planted to grow and mature into the person I am meant to be in this Universe.  To stay connected to friends that are caring and compassionate is what life is about for me.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Lake Geneva, Wi.

 A representative from the Flex to Better Aging program called this morning, giving me a positive message to remember before ending our brief conversation.  The message was only five little words 'embrace your age...stay engaged.'   I feel great when I have a cup of  coffee with a special friend, and it is not just from the caffeine rush,  it is all about connection with others that boosts my mood. 

The joy and happiness I  felt when I rode the Ferris wheel and the merry go round this past summer with my grand kids, still spark many happy memories and put a smile on my face.  I love being a reading buddy to the first graders, to see the smiles when I arrive and observe their improvement in reading.  They love having someone listen to them and I let them know they are special.

 I joined our beautiful new YMCA and have taken one water aerobics class and am looking forward to going tomorrow.  The instructor is pleasant and energetic and the hour went by quickly.  For an hour we focused on our workout and improving our aging bodies.

I love the Spirituality class and I am learning to have an open heart, to understand that we are all one.  I am striving for self improvement in understanding grammar, but the book is large and I have many chapters and tests to do and need to keep my focus.   The studies and exercise program hopefully will keep me out of the throes of depression and anxiety that can overwhelm me during the dreary days of winter.

Monday, January 2, 2012


On Christmas Day, Larry took me on a surprise visit to Funk's Grove.  We drove through a lovely grove of trees and I had my camera ready to see what might intrigue me at any moment. As we entered  the Chapel of the Trees I felt a sense of peace, as if the Spirit had guided us to enjoy a few moments of serenity in nature.  The weather was somewhat chilly, and so refreshing, and the sky was a brilliant blue. 

One of the first sights that caught my eye that day was the twisted branches that appeared as if they were forming a heart.  I took many pictures that day of the trees and some of the winding roads.
I loved the following daily meditation that I received in my e-mails.

Each day holds a surprise.  But only if we expect it can we see, hear, or feel it when it comes to us.  Let's not be afraid to receive each day's surprise, whether it comes to us as sorrow or as joy.  It will open a new place in our hearts, a place where we can welcome new friends and celebrate more fully our shared humanity.

Expecting a Surprise by Henri Nouwen Society