Tuesday, May 1, 2012


photo from Lake Geneva

Friends and Their Limitations
by Henry Nouwen

We need friends.  Friends guide us, care for us, confront us in love, console us in times of pain.  Although we speak of "making friends." friends cannot be made.  Friends are free gifts from God.  But God gives us the friends we need when we need them if we fully trust in God's love.

Friends cannot replace God.  They have limitations and weaknesses like we have.  Their love is never faultless, never complete.  But in their limitations they can be signposts on our journey towards the unlimited and unconditional life of God.  Lets enjoy the friends whom God has sent our way.

I have always believed that people are placed on my path as I need them in my life.  Lately, I have caught my self muttering 'I don't know' and then when I catch my self using that phase I say 'God knows.'  That was proven once again yesterday when the Hospice Chaplain from Decatur called me  and we talked for seventy-five minutes.  I have not met Jan but in speaking with her she has great compassion and understanding for the situation.  I didn't know she was with the program, I had been told the Chaplain was a gentleman who started working at DMH before I left.  So through Gods divine plan Jan has been assigned to my Mother and offered my grief counseling after she passes on.  I feel like I have been in counseling most of my life and will accept her offer in the future if I feel the need.

I look forward to the upcoming Reiki retreat, crystal bowls and a day retreat at the Chiara Center.
I feel it is time to schedule another massage or facial and plan to have a manicure soon.  I just read a quote to be kind to yourself will make it easier to be kind to others.

1 comment:

Virginia Carlson said...

This sounds like you are doing a good job monitoring your self, making healthy plans, and
nurturing your self. I think you are doing a far better job than you give your self credit for. I am proud of you and the efforts you make!