Saturday, May 19, 2012


When walls close in, skies turn gray,
and dreams seem like they're awfully far away,
you're probably just forgetting that the same "hands"
that created the sun, the moon, and the stars,
are still holding yours, anxious to help.

The Universe

I planned some fun things to do yesterday and was making a list of garage sales to check out for a couple of tall kitchen bar stools for my grandson. I looked my front door and right there across the street sat the two metal bar stools with upholstered seats at the sale they had just opened.  I was
delighted with the price of only ten dollars for both as they were very nice with a lot of detail.  I had them put them in my car and then changed my plans and decided to take them to my daughters so our dogs could play while we visited.  I then went to my grandson's after he got off work and he was thrilled with my purchase, just perfect he said.  Then I went on to visit the younger grandsons on my way home.  I had a wonderful day,  the weather was perfect, it was great to get out of the house and visit my family.

I was after ten pm when my husband called to say he was almost home so I excitedly told him about my purchase and that I went to my daughters.  His comment was 'I've heard enough' and the center of my heart seemed to deflate a little.  He was perturbed that they didn't drive here to pick up my purchase.  So, I took a deep breath and said to myself  'rise above it' and went to bed while he was walking the dog.

This morning it started all over again, that I run up there everytime they want anything and it was my second trip this week.  That my kids don't have any respect for me because they never come here to visit, blah, blah, blah.  I said I don't want to hear anymore so just go mow the lawn. So after slamming the door he went to mow the lawn.  I had just had to take a phone call and handle some business for my Mother and was overwhelmed with that.

So now I have gather my thoughts and rise above it as I pack to go to Vegas.  I will visualize a golden bubble of light surrounding my body and pull out all my tools to keep my self centered.

Tomorrrow, May 20th is our seventeenth anniversary.

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