Wednesday, February 15, 2012


When I wrote a story entitled Life's Lessons on December 16th, 2011 my heart was heavy because someone in my class had been abrupt with me in front of the entire class.  I had hurried to the bathroom to quiet my mind, and returning to class sat and prayed that I could get through the rest of the class.

Last night this individual read her personal bearings letter while she sat next to me.  When she finished her letter she spoke my name and reached her hand towards me and said that she hadn't always been kind to me.  I was speechless and shocked at her statement in front of the class, but I guess that a public apology in light of the fact that the first comment two months ago was in front of the class was what she needed to do.  When the class ended we all hugged and offered peace to one another, and  she asked for forgiveness which of course I said yes and that I don't hold a grudge.  I said forgive me if I have offended you and she said that I had not done anything.

As I sat down to write this story about forgiveness and love and peace I glanced to the right and there was a beautiful large hawk gliding low through our trees as he flew across the back yard.  I felt a sense of peace that all was well in my life.

The photo I used represented to me that we are all a part of the whole in this Divine universe.

1 comment:

Virginia Carlson said...

Loved the photo and also the one with the butterfly from a few posts back.

Wonderful story and example of how we always think we did something to upset the other person...although on another level we know we didn't. This is called personalizing. So you have experienced this first hand and a good memory to help you in the future when someone is rude to you. You are a very kind and thoughtful person Kathy, and I am pleased that this unfolded as it did.