Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Slow my pace, Lord.  Slow my life.  Come sit by me at the well.  I am exhausted.

Give rest to my heart; bring calm to my feelings.  Come, lead me to the mountain.  I am empty.

Give me these hours the leisure to be still that I savor the quiet of rolling  hills, tasting the presence of the Divine.

Bring me from the running of the day and doing of the duties to the sitting in the evening to know the reward of being.

Set aside the problems of mind; soothe the aches of the heart;give rest to the body that I hear the music of my being and know a quiet that allows the soaring of the soul.

Be gentle, Teacher, teaching the truth of being.  In gentleness, command; "Silence!"

In stillness embrace my spirit and re-enkindle with love...and opening the embrace give freedom to the soul.

Slow my pace, Spirit of Love, breathe into my being, Word... and with a mighty wind blow the incarnate word to the ends of the earth.

Monsignor Bernard Powers

While attending Mass a couple of weeks ago the Priest quoted a verse and had us repeat it, of course I forgot most of it by the time we left church.  The message was basically to 'Slow down...see each person as they are.
Love everyone as God loves us.  The only line I remember and that I say to myself at times is; Slow me down Lord, Slow me down.  It helps to bring my self back to the present moment, and that is really all there is. Everything I need is inside me.  I just have to be still and listen.

1 comment:

Virginia Carlson said...

Kathy, you remembered the most important words and you were able to recall and apply them. You have come so far, grown so much, and Spirit is shining through!