Friday, February 24, 2012


I was instantly drawn  to the drawing of the hand with the all seeing eye in the center.   The green character has a very large single eye in the center of the body. The sword or maybe a Star Wars light saber in these interesting drawings caught my eye, and when I told Kyle I liked it he wanted me to have it.   He has a large bulletin board filled with many pieces of his drawings, some pencil and others markers like the one above.

Kyle traced his hand and used markers for this drawing.  I asked him what it represented to him and he said it was a mythical hand from medieval times with the eye in the center of the hand.  His artwork is getting more detailed and he sold a note paper drawing to one of his brother's friends for fifty cents.

Maybe he is a budding artist.  Who knows but I was honored to receive the drawing.

I made a copy and scanned it into my pictures section.

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