Friday, December 30, 2011

Quotes for the New year

 I was looking through my collection of quotes that I have accumulated over the past three years, so many of them have a special meaning for me.  Some helped me stay balanced and centered,  quieting my inner critic. Many of them are from daily e-mails I subscribe to, and a couple are from sermons that spoke to my heart.  I chose only twelve, one for each month for the New Year 2012. 

1. Forgiveness-is not wanting anything in your past to be any different that it was..therefore accepting it and letting it go.

2. I am willing to let go of past hurts so I can evolve as a human being.

3. My daily intention is.....find what makes me happy and focus on not dwell on others negativity.

4. I free myself from dragging my past into my future.

5. I will surround myself with positive light to stay balanced.

6.  I choose to see beauty and good wherever I go...'thinking makes it so.'

7.  I am responsible for my happiness and meeting my needs to stay in balance.

8.  Whatever your worries are...let it rest...let it rest in God's hands.

9.  I let go of the need to be right and choose peace instead.

10. It doesn't mean anything-it's nothing personal.

11.  I seek the gift of wisdom within each 'negative' experience.

12.  The approval I seek must come from me.

Blessings to all my dear friends in 2012..

1 comment:

Virginia Carlson said...

I really liked this post for content and for design as well as the great dash of red in the picture. I especially liked the last quote. You have done well my friend, keep it up! virginia