Saturday, December 31, 2011


Funk's Grove-Chapel of the trees
 I continue to learn to keep my heart open to allow love and blessings to enter my heart and soul.  I strive to see the beauty and Divine in all people, nature and God's creatures.  As I looked up at the beautiful tall trees in the quiet wooded chapel, I saw an open heart in the way the branches had grown over the many
decades.  The trees were standing tall and straight as if reaching for the heavens, bare of all foliage, thus allowing  me an opportunity to see the way the branches reach out.

 I hope this image will continue to remind me to keep an open heart in the coming New Year.  I look forward to each new day to see what the Universe will unfold.

1 comment:

Virginia Carlson said...

You did well with the content and I LOVED the photo! You brought attention to the beauty of the gentle heart in spite of the tree all stripped of color. This is a great symbol or reminder for us to always find the beauty in the midst of all distractions.