Wednesday, June 29, 2011



To be solid like a rock and letting the words of others roll off me like a stone rolling downhill. We went out to eat Sunday after church and had to wait nearly forty minutes for our food. There was a little chitchat about work related things. I then got brave and decided to use my voice asking my spouse what he thought of me purchasing a type of bookcase to keep by my desk. Asking the question, can you picture how this might look by my desk? Well, the words that came out of his mouth were totally unexpected. Bringing up a topic totally out of the blue while he was waiting for his food! No, he said I cannot picture it, how could I picture it when I have no idea what you are talking about. This is the first time I have heard about it. Meekly I replied that I had just come up with the idea and was seeking his approval. To which he sternly replied, if I say anything you just get upset, so if you want something for the kitchen just go by it. Stupidly I said I fear rejection, to which he replied ‘where is this coming from'.  I had cancelled the order for the hutch due to his comments.  There were no more words spoken on this and I had begun to feel like a single flower wilting without nourishing water.  My throat felt tight and I felt the tears welling up behind my eyes would flow for all to see but I managed to stay strong like a rock and recovered my emotions.


1 comment:

Virginia Carlson said...

It is good to get your feelings 'out' and not repressed.
Writing is an excellent tool which you are obviously learning and using!