Monday, June 27, 2011

Lessons Everywhere

Lessons Everywhere

After attending a seminar this past Saturday on stabilizing fabric and embroidery, I reflected on what I had learned that day. The instructor explained how to make the many projects and how to use the correct stabilizer. The craft projects and quilts looked perfect to me. She pointed out the mistakes and minor errors she made along the way to learning how to do the various techniques. How she embroidered a name on a thick bath mat and was pleased with the lettering. Then as she held up the bath mat, she saw that she had forgotten to change the black bobbin thread on this thick white rug with tan lettering on the front. Oh well she thought, the back will be lying on the floor. She told us that it is not a waste of our time, fabric, or money and by making mistakes that is the only way we will learn the correct procedure.

I have always berated myself and felt so inept when I had to re-cut fabric or make a new block. As I would sit there ripping out the stitches on pieces of fabric I had sewn together incorrectly I felt like I was the only one that had to re-do my work. Wondering why for some whatever project they are working on goes quickly and smoothly. My work goes very slowly and as in life, I feel like I am taking two steps backwards and one step forward. Learning from each mistake, I continue plodding along my path.

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