Wednesday, April 4, 2012


I took many photos at the Chiara center and  have learned to make photo collages.  This one is one of my favorites so I decided to share for all to see.

Easter is such a Holy time of year and  has a very special meaning to me.  It was an Easter Holy Saturday that I became a member of the Catholic Church, about twenty-two years ago and took communion there for the first time.  I had been in the RCIA program for nearly a year learning about the Catholic Church.  We met weekly for instruction to discern if we wanted to become a Catholic.  This was not to be taken lightly and many times I was so tired from working and taking classes at the community college that I sat there with my eyes closed.  One of the instructors, a nun said she didn't think I was paying attention.  In my usual way of being sarcastic I asked her if I was going to flunk church.

I didn't flunk church and about a year later I met Larry, a cradle Catholic, we have been married almost seventeen years. We attend Mass each Sunday and have never missed unless were very ill.  I have only known Larry to miss one Sunday.  I still don't know much about the church and there are many things with which I disagree.  I loved the Spirituality classes because they were more open minded and even those instructors disagreed with certain issues.  I try to be open minded and accept all people as they are.  Not trying to force my religion on others because I feel people have free will and will be guided by the Holy Spirit as to where they worship.

I didn't know anyone in the Catholic RCIA program and none of my family for friends attended my first communion on Holy Saturday.  I know I was guided by the Holy Spirit or I would not have gone through the program and still be involved today.

Easter Blessings to all as we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

Virginia Carlson said...

Kathy ~ This may be your best post yet! BEAUTIFUL collage, I mean truly lovely. You have expressed your self very well and each paragraph pulled the reader into the next. JOB WELL DONE!