Saturday, April 7, 2012


I took this photo mid  morning while the dew was still on the beautiful iris.  It is the first one to bloom this spring.  Another reminder of new life and new beginnings this Easter weekend.

  We are going to church and out to eat for a quiet lunch.  This is the first time I have not been with my kids and grand kids but it was our decision to stay home.  Larry is at his busiest time at work right now and it is so far to go pick up my Mom and take her to my daughters home.  I didn't want to add to my guilt about going and leaving her and Larry didn't need the added stress of driving for five hours.  A friend of Mom's and a niece are going to visit her tomorrow.  At this stage of her illness all she wants to do is sit in her recliner and rest  and eat  a few bites of food, with glazed donuts and  chocolate milk being the favorite. Her helpers make sure she has donuts and milk available through out the week.  When I go I also go on a donut run.   June 7th will be her 90th birthday and my sister is going to be here for that.

I do miss the times when we colored Easter eggs and hid them outside and in the house.  Sometimes finding a candy egg weeks later.  My favorite picture of the kids is on an Easter Sunday standing perfectly still as I took the photo.  My daughter had on a matching turquoise bonnet and coat,  my son was dressed to the nines also in his knee length tweed coat and a hat with a brim.  He had on some type of mittens that didn't match the outfit but probably threw a fit to wear them.  I always referred to that photo as Bonnie and Clyde.   I must dig through the shoe boxes of photos and find that one.

This blog is as scattered as my mind is these days.

1 comment:

Virginia Carlson said...

When our thoughts are scattered, it is often times the best time to write!