Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Lake Geneva, Wi.

 A representative from the Flex to Better Aging program called this morning, giving me a positive message to remember before ending our brief conversation.  The message was only five little words 'embrace your age...stay engaged.'   I feel great when I have a cup of  coffee with a special friend, and it is not just from the caffeine rush,  it is all about connection with others that boosts my mood. 

The joy and happiness I  felt when I rode the Ferris wheel and the merry go round this past summer with my grand kids, still spark many happy memories and put a smile on my face.  I love being a reading buddy to the first graders, to see the smiles when I arrive and observe their improvement in reading.  They love having someone listen to them and I let them know they are special.

 I joined our beautiful new YMCA and have taken one water aerobics class and am looking forward to going tomorrow.  The instructor is pleasant and energetic and the hour went by quickly.  For an hour we focused on our workout and improving our aging bodies.

I love the Spirituality class and I am learning to have an open heart, to understand that we are all one.  I am striving for self improvement in understanding grammar, but the book is large and I have many chapters and tests to do and need to keep my focus.   The studies and exercise program hopefully will keep me out of the throes of depression and anxiety that can overwhelm me during the dreary days of winter.

1 comment:

Virginia Carlson said...

You are doing very well keeping things diversified to hold your interest. Your writing is improving, your wisdom is growing, and you are happier more than you used to be. I'd say you were doing quite well!! Keep up the good work.