Wednesday, July 20, 2011


The Living Life tree and verse I liked so much is now damaged goods.  I took down a picture of a covered bridge that I can look straight ahead and see when I am in my recliner.  I thought it would be a perfect place to reflect on the photo and verse.

I removed the picture from the wall, held up my new one and it was a perfect fit but needed a new picture hanger.  I set it on the floor while I replaced the covered bridge picture and the nail was loose and the thing fell and scraped my leg and hitting the top of my new picture pulling a chunk loose.  So with my damaged picture and bleeding leg I felt like crying and screaming..I didn't but I'm sure I yelled some type of profanity.

I'm going to try to put some glue on it and press it back in place, maybe I could lay a fake flower on top to cover the damage.  I paid to much for the thing to just throw it out which I felt like doing.  I had Hobby Lobby put an attachment and wire on the back to hang the thing.   Oh well, its just stuff no real damage done to anyone other than my scratch.

 Nothing or no one is perfect...except Jesus.

1 comment:

Virginia Carlson said...

Look at the sun shining through the tree...probably just a reflection from your flash...but it reminds us that Spirit is always there, present in any expereince whether good or bad!