Thursday, April 26, 2012


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Tuesday, April 17, 2012


I have recently started reading 'There's a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem' by  Dr. Wayne Dyer.  I had watched him in a television special a couple of years ago about his book 'Excuses Begone' and quite honestly I didn't see what all the fuss was about this author. His favorite saying was 'no explaining, no complaining' and while I get that message I am much more attracted to his books on spirituality.  After watching 'The Shift' this week on TV I really understood his message.  Today I watched a program I had recorded several weeks ago from a PBS special and enjoyed every minute of it.  He mentioned a DVD he made on his journeys to Assisi and other holy places.  It is entitled 'Experiencing the Miraculous:  A Spiritual Journey to Assisi, Lourdes, and Megjugorie'.  Since it is a little high priced I will be on the lookout for a used copy. 

I have always known what I need to do to be happy with my self and others but it always seems so difficult.  However Dr Dyer makes it sound so simple.  I am going to put forth my best effort to practicing this way of living and keep reading and learning Dr Dyer's principles for living a peaceful healthy way of life.   To be able to be open and loving to people that I now distance my self from would remove guilt from my heart and possibly make them happier.  It is up to each person to discover their happiness and to surround them selves with the love of God.

So today I will listen for the whisperings of the Holy Spirit to quiet my mind and feel the love that surrounds me.

Sunday, April 15, 2012


The Song of the Seed

Life unfolds
a petal at a time

The beauty of the process is crippled
when I try to hurry growth.
Life has its inner rhythm
which must be respected.
It cannot be rushed or hurried.

Like daylight stepping out of the darkness,
morning creeping out of night,
life unfolds slowly
a petal at a time
like a flower opening to the sun,

God's call unfolds
a Word at a time

A disciple is not made in a hurry.
Slowly I become like the One
to whom I am listening.

Life unfolds
a petal at a time
like you and I
becoming followers of Jesus,
discipled into a new way of living
deeply and slowly.

Be patient with life's unfolding petals.
If you hurry the bud it withers.
If you hurry life it limps.
Each unfolding is a teaching
a movement of grace
filled with silent pauses
breathtaking beauty
tears and heartaches.

Life unfolds
a petal at a time
deeply and slowly.

by Joyce Rupp

Saturday, April 7, 2012


I took this photo mid  morning while the dew was still on the beautiful iris.  It is the first one to bloom this spring.  Another reminder of new life and new beginnings this Easter weekend.

  We are going to church and out to eat for a quiet lunch.  This is the first time I have not been with my kids and grand kids but it was our decision to stay home.  Larry is at his busiest time at work right now and it is so far to go pick up my Mom and take her to my daughters home.  I didn't want to add to my guilt about going and leaving her and Larry didn't need the added stress of driving for five hours.  A friend of Mom's and a niece are going to visit her tomorrow.  At this stage of her illness all she wants to do is sit in her recliner and rest  and eat  a few bites of food, with glazed donuts and  chocolate milk being the favorite. Her helpers make sure she has donuts and milk available through out the week.  When I go I also go on a donut run.   June 7th will be her 90th birthday and my sister is going to be here for that.

I do miss the times when we colored Easter eggs and hid them outside and in the house.  Sometimes finding a candy egg weeks later.  My favorite picture of the kids is on an Easter Sunday standing perfectly still as I took the photo.  My daughter had on a matching turquoise bonnet and coat,  my son was dressed to the nines also in his knee length tweed coat and a hat with a brim.  He had on some type of mittens that didn't match the outfit but probably threw a fit to wear them.  I always referred to that photo as Bonnie and Clyde.   I must dig through the shoe boxes of photos and find that one.

This blog is as scattered as my mind is these days.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


I took many photos at the Chiara center and  have learned to make photo collages.  This one is one of my favorites so I decided to share for all to see.

Easter is such a Holy time of year and  has a very special meaning to me.  It was an Easter Holy Saturday that I became a member of the Catholic Church, about twenty-two years ago and took communion there for the first time.  I had been in the RCIA program for nearly a year learning about the Catholic Church.  We met weekly for instruction to discern if we wanted to become a Catholic.  This was not to be taken lightly and many times I was so tired from working and taking classes at the community college that I sat there with my eyes closed.  One of the instructors, a nun said she didn't think I was paying attention.  In my usual way of being sarcastic I asked her if I was going to flunk church.

I didn't flunk church and about a year later I met Larry, a cradle Catholic, we have been married almost seventeen years. We attend Mass each Sunday and have never missed unless were very ill.  I have only known Larry to miss one Sunday.  I still don't know much about the church and there are many things with which I disagree.  I loved the Spirituality classes because they were more open minded and even those instructors disagreed with certain issues.  I try to be open minded and accept all people as they are.  Not trying to force my religion on others because I feel people have free will and will be guided by the Holy Spirit as to where they worship.

I didn't know anyone in the Catholic RCIA program and none of my family for friends attended my first communion on Holy Saturday.  I know I was guided by the Holy Spirit or I would not have gone through the program and still be involved today.

Easter Blessings to all as we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.